My name is Amy and I am a pre and post natal exercise specialist in Clapham and I am here to give you some help and advice when returning to exercise after having your baby.

So you’ve just had your baby, and you are wanting to return to exercise and now you are wanting to get your pre-baby body back.

So now you might be now thinking, where do I start? What’s the best exercise I should do? Or is there any exercises that I should not be doing?

Firstly when you are ready and you want to start exercising again don’t just see it as a way to lose weight, instead see it as a way to get strong and fit. Postnatal fitness isn’t straightforward, your body has been through so much making your little one, your body needs time to heal and restore.

So before you jump right back into training please take into account some of my tips below.


This can be one of the many pressures new mums face. Your body has just been working very hard for nine months making your baby and it needs time to recover, so now is not the time to be restricting calories and over exercising. So when you do start exercising again don’t just see it as a way to lose weight, instead see it as a way to get fit and strong for motherhood.

As a new mum you’re going to need that extra strength and a boost to your fitness levels! You'll be carrying your baby everywhere, pushing the pram, lifting car seats and on the move quite a bit, so an increased strength and fitness will come in very handy!!


Being a new mum is a very exciting time, but it certainly isn’t an easy timeAll new mums experience a whole mix of emotions it’s normal to experience lots of ups and downs when you have just had a new baby. You might suffer with ‘the baby blues’ there are lots of things you as a new mum can do to look after yourself, because looking after your mental health is just as important or even more important than your physical health for you and your baby. S

So my tip for you is to make time for you too, spend time with family and friends, get some ‘me time’ when possible.

If you can try and build yourself a support group and try to keep sociable that will help look after your mental health. You could meet other mums by joining a mum and baby group, there are so many in Clapham where you can meet other mums going through the same thing as you.


Staying active and getting out and about with your new baby is a great way to begin post-nasally. Not only walking the baby outdoors in the pram is a great way to get your body moving again being outdoors has numerous health benefits too.

Studies have shown that exercising outside in the fresh air is known to boost our mood, improve energy levels, help you sleep better and strengthen your immune system.

Also the fresh air for your baby should help them sleep better, which is a win win!!


We are all different, and all recoveries are different, and some mums might need some extra time to recover and if that is you, you must know that’s okay! Setting unrealistic goals to getting your pre-baby body back and starting extreme fitness programs and strict diets is the main reason people give up and feel demotivated. Getting your body back is absolutely possible. However this will take time and dedication.

If you are following someone on social media that you find yourself comparing yourself too, and it is making you feel down, then remove this person and stop following them. New mums put way too much pressure on themselves. Cut yourself some slack, accept that looking after your baby is a full time job. Some days will be better than others, but as long as your baby is happy and healthy you are doing a great job.

Please just remember you have made new life, you have brought a mini you into this world, you should be proud of yourself. You might not be at your fittest or slimmest right now, but you have just made your baby. You should think about all the changes your body has gone through during pregnancy, and birth, allow your body time to recover.

So give yourself some credit you are AMAZING.

For more tips on postnatal training  or to book a post-natal training session in Clapham with me, please get in touch. Start living your best life for you and your baby today.

Best Wishes

Amy x